Friday, 27 January 2012


Way back when I was a student one of my lecturers told me that if I wanted to make beautiful things then I had to ensure I made the effort to go out and see beautiful things.  I thought about this piece of advice when I recently visited the Luminous exhibition at Seattle Art Museum, a beautiful show of Asian artefacts from the art collection some of which had been brought out of storage for this occasion.  It was a visual feast, I fell in love with the painted silk screens - this one below was a focal point of the exhibition ....

It looks so contemporary with the black crows flying out of the luminous gold background.  The absolute highlight however was this silk gate installation created especially for this exhibition, featuring animations of various motifs taken from some of the exhibited artefacts.

Stunning!  Of course I now want to do some film making of my own!  The exhibition sparked off so many ideas that I fully understand why it's so important as an artist to continually seek out new inspiration & to see things 'in the flesh', not just in a book or on a screen.  There's a Gauguin exhibition starting in February & I'm really looking forward to visiting and hoping I'll be inspired by his use of colour.

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